President's Welcome
October, 2019
"Not all engineers drive trains." That's the message of the
annual Imagine Engineering coloring contest program for local 2nd
graders. It's one of several programs with which the Akron District Chapter of
the Ohio Society of Professional Engineers (ADSPE) is involved. Reading to the 2nd graders and spending some time
answering an array of questions is a fun out-of-the-box activity that ADSPE has
the privilege of doing every year. It's heart-warming to see all the things
that engineers do through the eyes and artistic talents of the children. In
addition to Imagine Engineering, ADSPE participates in and volunteers at
(Engineer's) E-Week, MATHCOUNTS (6th through 8th grade
math competition), and local science fair judging opportunities throughout the
school year.
As new President of ADSPE, I encourage Akron engineers both
young and old to come join ADSPE and assist us in getting the word out about the
importance of engineering in our society and some of the wonderful opportunities
moving forward.
Best wishes,
Matthew Sejba, P.E.
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Jared Alexander, P.E.
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Mark Elicker, P.E.
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